
Posts Tagged ‘sons of god’

EnochThe Bible offers an ever so brief look into something that has fascinated scholars for centuries: Nephilim.  Just exactly what were they?  Theologians, of couse, disagree over what they were, how they originated, and ultimately, what the phrase “sons of God” actually means.  Christ referred to the time of Noah, stating essentially, that as it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the days of the coming of the Son of Man (cf. Luke 17:26-27).

It seems a simple and innocent enough reference by Christ.  He speaks of the people during Noah’s day eating, drinking, and being married and giving in marriage.  Seems plain enough.  No big mystery there.  But this very brief statement by Christ does not offer any explanation whatsoever about the fact that everyone except Noah and his family, were so corrupt, so vile, so evil, that God saw fit to destroy them all with a global flood!

You do not destroy people because they ate, drank and married.  You destroy people because all they thought about was doing evil continually.  So, the question then, is why did they think about doing evil continually?  What prompted them to become so morally corrupt, that the only things which suited them were things completely filled with evil?

As stated, there are many who disagree over the entire scenario; what Christ meant, what was meant by the term “Nephilim,” or the phrase, “sons of God.”  But what is fact is that both Peter and Jude referenced a book that is not part of the Bible.  This particular work – The Book of Enoch – was obviously revered, respected and well-read by people of Christ’s day, and before.  In fact, since Jude and Peter both refer to it, by quoting from it, or referencing the situation surrounding the act by fallen angels, then it stands to reason that there is probably something in the Book of Enoch that can shed light on it for us.

Regarding the Book of Enoch, it is important to understand that while it is not considered to be inspired, valuable and useful information can still be obtained from it.  Like a Bible commentary, though uninspired, may reveal information that heretofore, was not necessarily understood.

We will take some time to present a number of insights from the Book of Enoch over the coming weeks.  We will determine whether or not it has anything to offer us by way of new information that sheds light on an age old problem.  We will also attempt to determine, or at least offer viewpoints, regarding the Nephilim, the “sons of God,” and what Enoch terms “the watchers.”  Do they play into the End Times, during the days of the Coming of the Son of Man?  We will see…

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