
Archive for the ‘Religion – End Times’ Category

EnochThe Bible offers an ever so brief look into something that has fascinated scholars for centuries: Nephilim.  Just exactly what were they?  Theologians, of couse, disagree over what they were, how they originated, and ultimately, what the phrase “sons of God” actually means.  Christ referred to the time of Noah, stating essentially, that as it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the days of the coming of the Son of Man (cf. Luke 17:26-27).

It seems a simple and innocent enough reference by Christ.  He speaks of the people during Noah’s day eating, drinking, and being married and giving in marriage.  Seems plain enough.  No big mystery there.  But this very brief statement by Christ does not offer any explanation whatsoever about the fact that everyone except Noah and his family, were so corrupt, so vile, so evil, that God saw fit to destroy them all with a global flood!

You do not destroy people because they ate, drank and married.  You destroy people because all they thought about was doing evil continually.  So, the question then, is why did they think about doing evil continually?  What prompted them to become so morally corrupt, that the only things which suited them were things completely filled with evil?

As stated, there are many who disagree over the entire scenario; what Christ meant, what was meant by the term “Nephilim,” or the phrase, “sons of God.”  But what is fact is that both Peter and Jude referenced a book that is not part of the Bible.  This particular work – The Book of Enoch – was obviously revered, respected and well-read by people of Christ’s day, and before.  In fact, since Jude and Peter both refer to it, by quoting from it, or referencing the situation surrounding the act by fallen angels, then it stands to reason that there is probably something in the Book of Enoch that can shed light on it for us.

Regarding the Book of Enoch, it is important to understand that while it is not considered to be inspired, valuable and useful information can still be obtained from it.  Like a Bible commentary, though uninspired, may reveal information that heretofore, was not necessarily understood.

We will take some time to present a number of insights from the Book of Enoch over the coming weeks.  We will determine whether or not it has anything to offer us by way of new information that sheds light on an age old problem.  We will also attempt to determine, or at least offer viewpoints, regarding the Nephilim, the “sons of God,” and what Enoch terms “the watchers.”  Do they play into the End Times, during the days of the Coming of the Son of Man?  We will see…

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I received the emailed version of Jan Markell’s newsletter “Understanding the Times” this morning and was a bit shocked to read the cover article by Heidi Swander.  Here are the first two paragraphs:

I was stunned recently by the story of a pastor from Brazil.  One day in the not-too-distant past he was airborne and seated next to a lady who, at 6 p.m., began praying fervently.  When an opportune moment presented itself, he asked her if she was a Christian.  Much to his chagrin she said, no, that she was praying to her father, Satan, for the demise of pastor so-and-so.

As the conversation progressed, this Brazilian pastor found out that the Church of Satan worldwide has set aside the 6 p.m. hour every day to pray for the demise of the Christian church, and most specifically for its pastors. It would also appear that they assume or are assigned specific Christian leaders to pray against.

Heidi goes on to remind us that it is 6pm someplace throughout the world at any given moment.  The saddest part of this entire thing is not that Satan’s minions pray to him for his will to be done, but that I do not pray as fervently as they do!  This is a wake up call and should be to all of us.  Even though Jesus said that “the gates of hell” will not prevail against His Church, we can assume from that comment that they will TRY desperately to destroy the Church.

Is it not interesting that our defeated foe continues to work hard AS IF he has NOT been defeated?!  He knows his time is short and he also knows he will not prevail, yet he has not given up.  He continues to move ahead with his monstrous plan to destroy the Church.  Barring that, he creates as much havoc as possible, with one skirmish after another against
God’s elect; ultimately, against God Himself.

Folks, if you are a Christian reading this, then it goes without saying that prayer is the best weapon we have against the dark forces of Satan’s global empire.  As we know, he constantly roams the earth looking for anyone that he can devour.  He is the prince of the power of the air and uses that to its fullest to accomplish the tasks he has lined up.

Many are saying that we are in the End Times.  I believe it and in fact, with everything heating up the way it has been, it becomes nearly impossible to say that we are NOT in the End Times.  We await one significant event, which will kick off the Tribulation/Great Tribulation:  the signing of the 7 year covenant with Israel, by one man who will act as leader of the “free” world.  This maniacal genius – spawned from hell itself – will pretend to be an ally and friend of Israel, but of course will simply be biding his time until he can overthrow them.

Christian:  we know the end of the story as it was written in eternity past!  Christ is victorious and therefore WE are victorious IN Him.  Paul tells us in Ephesians that we are seated with Christ now:

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ.” (Ephesians 1:3)

The entirety of Ephesians speaks of our calling and position in Christ, along with the manifold blessings of being “in” Him.  He is the Head of His Church, which is His Body.  There is nothing that can stand against Him.  Our responsibility though is to pray and trust.  We need to pray for His will, His wisdom and His protection for all within His Body.  If Satanists around the globe are praying for their master’s will to be accomplished, how much more do WE as Christians need to pray that God’s will be accomplished?

Daniel of the Old Testament was a virtual prayer warrior, who understood the need for and privilege of praying to the God of the universe.  God does NOT need our prayers to accomplish His goals.  He invites us to JOIN Him in warring against “powers, principalities and powers” which seek to overthrow God’s will and His eventual Kingdom.  In doing so, we share in the blessings of that victory.  Pray.  Pray long and pray often.

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gen6_shadowWe find Jesus’ comment – “As it was in the days of Noah” – to be intriguing.  Is there more to this comment than the fact that people during Noah’s day did the normal things that we do today, like marriage? 

Chuck Missler, Stephen Quayle and others believe there is and I believe they have a good point.  In Genesis 6, we read of “giants on the earth” and this is apparently due (possibly) to some of the fallen angels who kept not their first estate.  Missler an Quayle believe that these fallen angels somehow managed to have sexual relations with the “daughters of men,’ in which these hybrid creatures were born; Nephilim

Because these creatures were hybrid (human and spirit being), they had spirits and human-type bodies, but apparently the Scripture indicates that they were possibly enormous in size and strength.  This would of course explain the fact of Goliath’s size of roughly 9 feet, 6 inches.  Apparently, he had four brothers, all of which were taller.  The reference and implication that Goliath had four brothers is found in 2 Samuel 21:18-22.  In the Kings James Version, it’s a bit more clear, referencing Goliath’s brother.

Stephen Quayle in particular has been researching this entire phenomenon for the past thirty years, and his book “Genesis 6: Giants” provides some good information.  Unbelievably, there have apparently been some extraordinarily large human skeletons, ranging from over 8 feet tall, to…ready?  36 feet tall!  This is difficult to believe, but a number of documented skeletons have found in various parts of France during the middle ages that range from 19 feet to over 25 feet tall.

Quayle also spends a good deal of time providing commentary on Genesis 6.  Regardless of your opinion about giants in general, both Missler and Quayle provide invaluable information that you’ll want to consider.  Missler’s books can be found at his site here:

The table of contents for Quayle’s Giants book includes:

Part 1
Chapter 1: Creation
Chapter 2: Pre-Adamic Earth
Chapter 3: The Destruction of Angelic Civilization
Chapter 4: Pre-Adamic Science
Chapter 5: Angels and Giants
Chapter 6: Religions of Giants
Chapter 7: Once Were Giants
Chapter 8: Giants in the New World
Chapter 9: Giants in Europe
Chapter 10: Nothing New Under the Sun

Part 2
Chapter 11: Giants in North America
Chapter 12: Giants in South America
Chapter 13: Africa’s Giants
Chapter 14: Asian Giants
Chapter 15: Australian Giants
Chapter 16: British Giants
Chapter 17: Giants in Europe
Chapter 18: Giants in the Middle East

Quayle’s book can be found at his site:

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